Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation(TMS) is one of the fastest growing treatments in the field of mental health and a valid alternative for patients who do not respond to or cannot take medication.
Magnetic stimulation is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, whereby rapidly changing magnetic fields induce an electrical field in the nervous system. The electric field changes the electrical potential over the nerve cell wall, and if this change is large enough, an action potential in the nerve will be generated.
TMS is one of the fastest growing therapies in mental health for treating depression and OCD. Due to its high efficacy, TMS offers a viable alternative for patients who do not respond to or cannot tolerate medication. Evidence suggests that multiple treatment modalities – TMS combined with counselling or psychotherapy – can lead to improved outcomes.
TMS is generally considered to be successful, with a success rate of 70–80%. This means that most people who undergo TMS experience relief from their symptoms.
About one-third of people who undergo TMS experience full remission, meaning their symptoms go away completely
Most TMS patients feel better for many months after treatment stops, with the average length of response being a little more than a year.